After completing Pikmin 3 Deluxe I just had to play the first game. It was sure a very fun experience and I'm glad I gave this series a chance, miyamoto sure did his best pushing it.
The game is a bit dated, like pikmin getting stuck behind walls/objects but other than that it's still a very solid experience. I'm sure younger me wouldn't have enjoyed the game, because it would have been too hard. But present me is glad I never played it back then, knowing I'd never give it a second try if I did.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
++ Gameplay;
The collecting part is very fun and the puzzels are actually pretty clever. You "only" have 3 species of pikmins, but it adds (more than) enough challenge to the game. I feel like I solved some puzzels in a different way the game intended, but I see it as a positive thing that the game supports my illogical strategies. Solid gameplay and it gives an unique experience.

+ Music;
Iconic tunes, it fits the atmosphere and at the same time they're fun to listen to.

++ Graphics;
For a game of it's time it aged pretty well. creative monsters with not always very obvious weak spots (which is good).

+ Story/Characters;
The start of the game actually makes you feel like you're alone stranded on a strange planet. The setting is very nice and just discovering all there is is fun to do. Olimar has plenty of thoughts he writes in his logbook which adds to the fact he really is alone.

Yes if you're looking for a new experience. Can't really tell a game who gave me a similar experience. Looking forward to play pikmin 2 in the future.

I also played Pikmin 3 Deluxe in co-op recently

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2022
