I gave it the old college try and I had to call it quits. I think I made it through half of the main story missions. The game isn't bad. I personally began to feel overwhelmed with bullets flying everywhere and maybe I'm just old.

My two main gripes: the controls were not fluid. There were many unpleasant times when I wanted to simply jump down a small ledge and this jerk would jump like a skydiver...and faceplant in the ground. As I'm getting shot by five dudes. It was horrid.

The main gripe was the missions to help the three gangs gain new territory. EVERY MISSION WAS THE SAME. You had to help the gangs get new territory to unlock more of their missions and the main agency missions. Each gang...so that's three times you initially had to do it. Then how every many times after that. You escort and protect a technician. Same enemies, same layout, same everything. How completely dull.

The game was fun to just mess around in the open world. Everything else...not so much.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2024
