In the first chapter I wasn't completely sold. The strange humor, the insane plot that was starting to build, and the crazy environment. It's a very "anime" game and I'm not sure how else to describe it; you gotta be prepared for the craziness. The game grew on me after chapter 1.

The humor kind of added an "unsettling" feeling by the mastermind. They would make inappropriate or strange jokes.

The environment became my favorite part. In these horror/survive genres you usually see gore, blood, and spooky realistic buildings and living areas. While you do see blood in this game, it's a hot pink color. Most of the rooms in the game are bright, neon colored, and sometimes hold questionable objects. I appreciate the designers thought more than dark, spooky room with blood splatters = scary.

The slight "negatives" were small. There was a lot of character development for most of the characters. Except just felt like something was missing for them. I don't want to go too far into detail in case of spoilers. This game did some weird things with my saves on Steam. Sometimes my text would be missing on the save file but thankfully everything seemed to save/load correctly.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2024
