Really fun game that's a short 2-3 hours. Until I got to the DLC, but more about that later.

The bright colors are fun and contrast to what you experience in story. The music is awesome! I loved going back to a certain area for its track. I didn't even mind the back and forth quests because I loved the soundtrack that much.

Since it's short, you don't have a map or quest log. You need to remember who wanted what and to visit them if you care about achievements. The game was a perfect length. You do not need to add content just to pad a game. It wrapped up nicely and didn't overstay its welcome.

The DLC however, said no. The game was perfect without it. But it took rouge-like game mechanics and RNG to the max. Neither which I enjoy. It was the complete opposite of what I enjoyed in the main game. Downright frustrating.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
