The atmosphere and world building is amazing! The detail of signage, clothing, car models, etc. The world feels alive and very much in the era. They did a fantastic job with the beaches, cityscape, and farms. The cinematic are well done and blended (almost) seamlessly into the gameplay.

That's about as far as I can go for outstanding work. The voice acting was alright; Fair for most of the characters. The story was ordinary and generic. That could be the fact that this originally came out in 2002. I know the story was updated a touch in DE but I imagine the core is the same? I was hoping to see some sick Mafia dealings but any time you get close, the screen changes or something is in the view.

For me, it's the gameplay that suffers the most. The GAMEPLAY. Drive, shoot, and then stealth. Rinse and repeat. It's the same objective every mission. It's repetitive and frankly, boring. The story you can see a mile away thanks to the storytelling. So why bore you further with the same missions mechanics.

And then to really dig in the hurt. Why does that race mission exist? Why make a game focused on the Mafia to have the most memorable (or in this case, infamous) mission be a race? I do not understand where that logic sits. I finally got it after four hours on classic difficulty because of the absolute clownery of driving in this game. I was driving for so long I almost forgot I was playing as a dude in the MAFIA. Burn it all down.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
