My review can simply be, "It's an average game." Nothing outstanding. Only made me compare it to Pokemon Let's Go and Arceus; both did things MUCH better. I don't believe I have ever played the original Pearl/Diamond. This might have been one I missed over the years so I wanted to play.

It's very....Pokemon. I'm not sure how else to describe it. Linear path, same written story, most of the characters are basically copy/paste of previous characters. I went through stages of bored and kinda enjoying myself. Once I completed the Shinnoh Dex, I stopped. Nothing was holding me strong enough to continue playing.

I didn't mind the chibi style, but many of the adults looked off. Like wooden toy people with drawn-on faces that a toddler would play with. (I wonder if that's just me, lol.) The world design was at the start of a style but not yet finished, unpolished. There's nothing to add about the follow system that someone else hasn't pointed out. It's absolutely awful. I keep every Pokemon game I get nowdays, because I missed the old ones I have lost. But I can't see myself replaying this in the future.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
