This is an absolutely beautiful game. No joke, this studio could be making animated movies or shorts. They did an outstanding job on graphics and style. Everyone looks like they belong in Dreamworks. Kena even has the smirk!

Since I cannot emphasis enough how amazing this game looks, let's move on to gameplay. The exploration with your Rot buddies is wonderfully fun and adorable. There's some puzzles and platforming. Neither are mind blowing, but it's generally fun. I enjoyed the larger areas more.

You have two main sections to freely explore. Once you get to the third area, it doesn't feel rewarding finding currency and ability points you can't spend.

The combat does not match the cuteness vibe that the graphics send out. I couldn't help but compare this to Dark Souls. They don't play the same at all, but expect to die in Kena. A lot. Unless you're a gamer with great parry and evade reflexes. But they may not help. There are specific enemies that ignore your shield, so you will get hit regardless. Other enemies have amazing homing attacks. If you evade, you better evade at the right SECOND so it doesn't follow you. It's really....something.

You have to learn the mechanics of each enemy and Kena is surprisingly punishing. You cannot heal freely; you need an ability action to heal. Plus you need a flower in the area to heal. Some areas will not have this option. It's an absurd game design.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2024
