This was not for me, ouch. The art style and atmosphere is very well done. It's creepy and you feel helpless throughout the journey. It's pretty to look at but sadly, I despised playing it.

The controls weren't as speedy responsive for a chase cat-and-mouse game. Plus I had to fight the camera a few times. It would either focus on something inconsequential instead of moving along with you, or move far away to show the scope of a large area until you're a speck on the screen. (Then you fall to your death because you can't see, yippie!) These are my only "real" negative points of the gameplay. Irritating, but not game breaking.

My biggest complaint is the constant instant deaths. I hate insta-deaths in games. Very few times will that work. You can't even struggle; it's instantly over once you're grabbed. They have fantastic atmosphere and creature designs only for me to sigh heavily on my 5th death because I didn't get the pattern of the chase figured out. It ruined the entire experience for me. My one run was only 3 hours long and I have exactly zero interest to replay for achievements. Anytime I felt I was enjoying myself, I went right back to feeling incredibly annoyed. I do not have the patience for these types of "horror" games.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024
