Erica plays like a movie; each run is about 90 minutes and you occasionally use the touchpad on the controller.

I was surprised by the high quality visual production. The blend of cinematography and CGI scenes were really well done. The set designs for the scenes were fantastic. I loved interacting with the environment. It felt like I was exploring, instead of just following Erica.

The controls were finicky and some options are not as clear. That could confuse players if you're not extra careful. I did enjoyed the scene transitions though. That was well done.

The acting wasn't quite on par. Most of the actors were done well but a couple stuck out as stiff. Sadly, the story suffered the most. (Which is tragic for an interactive story.) It was interesting enough to entice me to replay the game. I saw all 6 endings and collected every trophy. The story does come off as predictable, plus there are plot holes and horribly dumb decisions to move it forward. The story isn't something that's going to stick with me long into the future, but I am glad I got a chance to play Erica.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024
