Generally the story was more solid. You get a better sense of the characters and their resolve. That doesn't stop the main character from being plain stupid at times.

Uh, I'm trying to find positives but all I see from my notes are without further ado.

You can't see the buffs on the bosses. So if you're trying to cast a debuff or remove a buff from them, you can't tell what is on currently. Game tells you everything on stat menu BUT what your commands do on a character. How am I supposed to know what my actions do if you don't tell me? Good thing Google exists now.

There's an annoying amount of unwinnable fights in the story. You'll give everything you got until, oh, it was scripted. Cool. There's hidden walls you cannot see. I guess you're supposed to use your face and walk into every single wall for something hidden. Again doesn't hide the mouse cursor. Whyyyyyy.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
