I tend to enjoy the older FF games that allow me to change my team's jobs. I like to switch and experiment, rather than a character set in stone. There are 22 jobs in total to collect. While it's fun to gather, 22 is A LOT. There's a few that aren't really helpful/fun to use. You will most likely only use them for achievement purposes.

One good news is that this Pixel Remaster game finally figured out how to hide the mouse cursor! I also enjoyed that magic is cast immediately. (Take that FFIV.) The characters actually attempted to use spells in story cut scenes, like Cure and Raise. Instead of you know, uselessly watching and shrugging.

I didn't understand how "Flee" worked. The majority of the time, your character couldn't get away and suffered hits from the enemy. It was better to fight, instead of "saving time" to flee. I wish I knew what stat, if any, was related to that.

I realize the initial release makes this 30 years old, but I still found the antagonist silly. There's no reason to have any writing where the "bad guy" is so OP with multiple opportunities to make quick work of our heroes but then never kills them off. We're knocked out, helpless, but this bad dude is like, "I'll finish you off later." WHY? Just do it now???? He's literally described as a "being of pure evil" but conveniently never kills us. It's silly. This isn't the first media with this trope but I can't take the antagonist seriously when they pull a Dr. Evil and assume it all went to plan.

Best characters hands down were the sassy turtle and sweet, baby GIlgamesh.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
