I enjoyed this visual novel. It starts off more horror with some jumps then turns more into a thriller detective. Which worked for me; I do enjoy more thriller/suspense rather than supernatural horror. I liked the storytelling and the different paths was laid out nicely. The game tells you when you have done everything you can in an area and even saves your progress where you left off to avoid replaying the same content. That was super helpful and more VNs with branching paths need to take notes!

The characters are fun and vary. The art style is well done; minus the constant puckering lips. What is going on with that? Every character does it. It's incredibly odd.

I made a couple notes where the translation was off. But honestly, I only found two misspellings. That's amazing considering the amount of text. Very nice work from the team as a whole.

I can only think of one thing I did not like here. Sometimes you were given a choice to respond, but really all of the choices lead to the same outcome. I don't understand that. It's already telling a story and the game is leading me to that final conclusion. So why even bother giving me these "choices" when immediately it won't make a difference. It happened a few times and it doesn't add anything to the story or experience. Just cut those parts out.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
