I will acknowledge that when I started playing Stardew Valley I was in the same position as a lot of people were at the time. Lots of time on my hands, not a whole lot to do; What I'm trying to say is that this game was my 'Animal Crossing New Horizons'
It was like magic. You have a farm. Fix the farm. Make some money. Talk to some people. It's such a simple premise, but what makes Stardew Valley so engrossing is it's progression. It is unendingly satisfying to see your farm grow, to cultivate relationships with the townspeople, to learn about and master new mechanics, and to see the positive impact you can have on the world around you.
I think that may sum it up perfectly; Stardew Valley allows the player to feel as though they are able to really make a difference. If a Pelican town denizen needs help, you have the power to help. Your choices have a direct impact on the environment, even if it is in a fairly straightforward way.
This game oozes charm and humor, and I do not regret even one of the 300 hours I spent playing it.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2022
