I really enjoy how this falls somewhere between a heavily-scripted CoD campaign and something like Half-Life, often carrying the strengths of both. When you take that, some solid enough gunplay, and throw in some post-Bioshock storytelling squarely focused on hating Nazis, you get a pretty satisfying experience.

The New Order also manages to deliver when it comes to showing both the absurd cartoon Nazism you probably started the game expecting and the real life horrors of fascism and genocide. In that sense, it's a very responsible game which never lets you start thinking of them as simply video game villains. It even goes above and beyond, drawing parallels between the Nazi regime and the United States that BJ served. When you take that along with one-off moments where a heroic character is mentioned to have had an abortion or where the game spotlights Nazi persecution of trans people, it's clear they wanted Wolfenstein to directly comment on the present day more than was even necessary.

Worth playing both for mindless Nazi killing and for an excellent and well thought out alternate history narrative. Unless you count the Beatles records...that was pretty bad lol.
Completed on Linux using Proton.

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2022


2 years ago

I don't recall finding any reference to trans people in the game, but the anti-queer oppression by the Nazis is certainly an important topic for media to discuss. Could you expand on how the game talks about it?

2 years ago

When you're in the sewers you overhear a woman reporting her neighbor's kid to an officer because she saw them putting on their mother's lipstick or clothes or something. It's a quick moment, but I appreciate the inclusion regardless.