This game was the step up and sequel in my opinion to the first of the three FFXIII games. But this time while you may see Lightning on this cover you don't have control over her.... You have control over her more bubbly and positive sister Serah Farron! Who isn't a hardened soldier but a teacher and all around just sweet person. But due to a LOT of events which I shall not delve into which will spoil but also maybe lead to some confusion if you played the first game... Yeah. The best way to put it is there will be some timey-wimey BS on the way. Despite that being the angle of this game though, the battle system is fun and this creature capturing is a nice little addition to the game. I love that it now takes both of our protagonists dying now instead of before where whoever was the one YOU the player had control over, meant game over if they died. Yeah this game was a bit easier but with all the DLC and everything that it had attached to it. You have a lot to play with especially those bosses that are from previous FF games. But back on topic to keep this short, I like this game much more than the first for numerous reasons. I enjoy this soundtrack and i consider it one of the best to be in a Final Fantasy. Gameplay is great. The story is a mess and that is something that I can admit having played this through a few times myself. Let's let it be known though. If you can make it through FFXIII then this is the next logical step but rest assured this game is fun!

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2022
