This game feels like an NES demake of Bomberman 90' on the PC Engine

This is a massive upgrade from the original Bomberman on the NES, it honestly just feels like Bomberman 90' but way rougher. The single-player is really repetitive, it works like 90' with how there are multiple worlds and a set amount of stages per world with each of them having unique themes.

In this game you play as White Bomberman getting caught by the police because Black Bomberman stole money from a bank and yes I know what you are thinking, this plot is really similar to Sonic Adventure 2. Each world is separated by 8 stages just like 90' but unlike that game, the eighth world has no boss so this game just has a total of 48 generic stages. One major issue I had with this game was the missing blink from the breakable block containing an item once all enemies were defeated, this was one of my favorite features in 90' and seeing it gone really makes the gameplay frustrating especially at the beginning when you only have really weak bombs and you struggle to fight enemies and breaking blocks. But once you get the powerup that lets you walk through blocks and remote control the bombs it really make the game a cakewalk with how easy the enemies are to deal with and the lack of bosses makes the game overall very fair and simple, but it does make the game a whole lot more boring.
And just like 90' this game has local multiplayer but only up to 3 people and I honestly have no idea how to play that. I'm guessing there are probably NES accessories for 3+ controllers but at that point, I'm just wondering why just limit the game to 3-player max.

This is the best experience you can get out of a Bomberman game on the NES but at the same time it's very weak for a game in 1991, I wouldn't recommend it over 90' but if you really need a Bomberman experience on the NES it is obviously miles better than the original.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2023
