Wow finally a Bomberman that isn't about saving the planet, it's about saving, um, time I think?

Man if it weren't for those damn boss fights it would've been my favorite Super Bomberman game. This time the game was developed by "Produce!" and not by the usual Hudson Soft, I was expecting a bad game honestly since the last time they let another company do the classic Bomberman formula it was Irem for the two Bomberman Arcade games and they made me mald with how not fun they were.
This is also the first Super entry that isn't based on a previously made Bomberman game since 1 and 2 were both based on Bomberman '90 and '93 and 3 is based on Bomberman '94, now that Hudson no longer makes PC Engine games now on all games will be originals and it's gonna start the big Bomberman mess of the 2000, be ready.

Gameplay wise it's just the usual Bomberman that goes back to killing all enemies on screen and finding the exit even though finding the exit isn't that annoying compared to the older games since it pretty much always is in the middle of the map. The main gimmick of this game is ripping off '94 instead of using the Louies as ridable things they made it so that some enemies are ridable after killing them, they can do absolutely nothing and are pretty much just a guaranteed extra hit to protect you but if they actually do something do tell me because I just used them as meatshields.

The 4 worlds are honestly very fun to go through and it's not really that hard of a game, the only issue is the god-awful boss fight I mean we are expecting them to be bad it's fucking Bomberman, quick name me one Bomberman game with a good boss fight, yeah that's right, none!
It works the same as how Super Bomberman 2 did it with the classic Bomberman fight with one of the bad guys then after you do the real boss fights. They have so much health! it's so annoying and you know what's the worst about this game, they pulled out a Bomberman GB 2 on us and made the last world a boss rush but this time it's a boss rush of the evil Bombermen AND the boss fights, it's ass!

But multiplayer wise you will be served, this game has three different game modes with rules and setting for the best Bomberman experience possible it's really neat, my only nitpick is that you can only play as the evil Bombermen and white Bomberman and I don't like their design, I wish they brought back the Panick Bombers W dudes.
Oh, and we can for the first time play the campaign with two-player it's really neat, they even have some secret zone only accessible in coop so I couldn't be able to test them but it's a nice addition.

This is the best Multiplayer Bomberman as of 1996 and it has a worthwhile solo campaign too, I really wish the boss fights weren't so dogshit so I could give it a higher score. But as something made by another developer, it still felt like good old Bomberman made by Husdson so they did a damn good job.

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2023
