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1 day

Last played

April 27, 2023

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Library Ownership


Four games in one! Well, more like three and a half. The first game is Tic-Tac-Toe, as a positive, it actually does have an AI opponent, as a negative you have to cycle from left to right rather than being able to move up and down or left OR right on the tiles. So even for Tic-Tac-Toe this is pretty poor, although I suppose it is better than pen and paper if you're so lonely you have nobody to play it with, but if you do have somebody to play with then, this is completely pointless as it doesn't even have 2 player!

Secondly, shooting gallery. The first actual "Original" game here, having you shoot a ball from random points on the screen trying to hit another falling ball. And it's actually somewhat decent, with you moving to a different spot of the screen per hit, and the ball moving. Having to actually think about the ball bouncing off the wall and where the other ball will be in relativity to the way it falls is actually somewhat engaging and fun.

Doodle is, well, you doodle. You can draw, you can change colors and you can change brush size. I feel like having a fill tool as a bare minimum or perhaps even allowing for two players to draw at once would have made this better, but then again I am currently criticising a doodle tool on the Channel F so would it REALLY have made a difference to my play experience? Probably not. I wrote my name and a smiley face.

Quadra-Doodle may sound like some insane Quad-Core expansion pack for Doodle, however it is instead simply a little animation of things being drawn on the screen, presumably using the code from Doodle, with 4 points drawing. The fact it has more than 1 thing drawing at a time once again makes me wish that Doodle had 2 player, but alas I shall continue to dream. It's not actually a game, but it does look cool I guess!