Cleared on March 3rd, 2024 (SEGA Genesis Challenge: 48/160)

Going into the game, I thought the game was going to be mediocre at best with some questionable and terrible gameplay designs at worst. The only reason I logged this game is because I thought it looked really good, but surprisingly, the game is... decent... I mean, it's not perfect, but I think there was a remarkable amount of effort at least in the animation department. This is probably the best looking of all the licenses games on the Sega Genesis. The expressions on these characters is so colorful to look at, and the environments really play off the genres from being stuck in a TV which is what the premise revolves around, and the music that goes with it is not bad either.

The gameplay is nothing out of the ordinary as far as platformers go, however. You jump, you can whack things with whatever weapon you have based on the scenery you are in, and you can throw things with whatever projectile you have also based on the scenery. It does have some puzzle solving and it can be really tricky, and admittedly in some cases rather frustrating. It's not as hard to navigate as what I was led to believe it was from reviews, but the enemy placements can be bullshit, and the first boss was admittedly confusing to figure out.

Oh, and I heard there is a softlock concerning the third boss. I don't know how it happens, I did manage to avoid it, but I heard it is a thing. And also the final boss is annoying as hell, and it's not for the reason you'd expect from a typical Sega Genesis final boss. It's not even that hard of a fight since you get plenty of health pick-ups and you have really high health compared to most other platformers on the system which does at least alleviate the difficulty of the game. However, some of the platforming to chase him down can be really precise, he shoots faster and faster as you climb, and his laughter is obnoxious and gets faster as you climb up.

All that aside, it's a decent game. It's not the kind of game that I would just recommend, but if you're into Garfield or just anything well-animated, it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. Just brace yourself for any frustration that may come at your way.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2024
