Cleared on May 17th, 2024 (SEGA Genesis Challenge: 71/160)

Insector X is another horizontal shoot em up on the Sega Genesis. I would say that this has gotten a bit out of hand, but it is my fault that I logged them in the first place. That aside, what does it bring to the table?

Well, there are bugs... and by "bugs", I mean insects and arachnids that you must fight, but you can also fire two different weapons and switch between two secondary weapons which instead of growing in power will drastically change how it functions based on level. You have the typical P and S icons for main weapon power and speed, but the secondary weapons will include a red gun which covers a horizontal area while the blue gun covers downward which may seem impractical until you realize that you kinda need them for a better shot at venturing through tight corridors since the enemy may be out of line of sight for your shots otherwise. Even though the functionalities are different, they still feel more powerful than the last and you can just spam both main and secondary weapons with two buttons at once.

For this reason, this is one of the easier shoot em ups as once you get maxed out, you can just breeze through the bosses, and even if you lose a life, big deal... just set the games stock count to 8 and you'll be alright. Well, until you get to the final levels where the game barrages you with these tiny bugs in tight corridors that can shoot at you. Then the game just goes wild with the enemies on-screen with projectiles. And if you think "Well, I've collected so many lives throughout the game, no big deal, I'll just waste away my lives just to brute force through the mob". Think again. This game has checkpoints where if you lose a life, you will be set back to a certain point and while it won't send you back to the beginning, good luck trying again with those sequences.

The boss battles aren't too difficult for this genres standards. I think the hardest one may have been either the 1st or 3rd boss, and the final boss is easy enough once you stay at a spot, occasionally move right or left to avoid the balls, and completely avoid the laser... close to its crotch. Am I crazy or is it a recurring theme to involve penis look-a-likes or "pissing" in shoot em ups? Also, the final boss does not have its own boss theme.

It's a good shooter all things considered. The slowdown that I've experienced is minor, and doesn't try to bullshit you up until the final level.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
