Holy fuck this game is a nightmare. I love Johto so much in every aspect except for the gameplay. The region is creative, the pokemon are cool (i ❤ you girafarig!!!), the game is really well made and looks amazing, but holy fuck the gameplay is so ass. The game is painfully slow, the leveling is TERRIBLE, and the leveling curve is ATROCIOUS! I at first decided that i would play the game on og hardware completely vanilla, i quickly decided that i would hack in a lucky egg and 5 exp shares. After this i decided that i would play the game on an emulator so i had a fast forward feature. After the 7th gym and grinding for 4 hours i had accepted ego death and genned in enough rare candies to get me to the level of whatever gym or other big battle i needed to fight for the rest of the playthrough. All of this combined made the experience overall miserable.

Reviewed on Sep 28, 2023

1 Comment

7 months ago

i drunkenly wrote this right after finishing the game but my opinions hold true