Did Dead Space need a remake? No. The game is still easily available & it’s visuals & gameplay still hold up. Does that stop the remake from being excellent? No.

Dead Space is one of the most faithful remakes I’ve ever played (maybe minus Demon Souls) but it is still packed with minor yet impactful gameplay & story changes. While I do think the original has a more cold, clinical atmosphere that I enjoyed a lot, there’s no denying the remake’s incredible lighting & shadow work. And while having Issac be voiced does subtract from the feeling of isolation - it ultimately makes the story feel a lot more cohesive & compelling.

The only two complaints I have with the remake is that I feel the AI was a little less engaging than in the original. The necromorphs feel slower & less threatening. And while I love that the ship is fully explorable now & is actually filled with optional backtracking - I wish you could set custom waypoints for your navigation system. The map is useful but sometimes I felt lost in trying to determine how to access lower & upper floors when going back for more loot.

Those complaints aside Dead Space is incredible and is up there with RE4 & Demon Souls as the best remake ever made.

Reviewed on May 27, 2023
