This game ... Is weird to me, its more fun and more enjoyable to mess around that rdr2, and yet, i still prefer, in GTA, you can create some crazy and stupid shit like throwing a Grenade in the middle of the road to see everything fly away, but in rdr2, its impossible to reach this level of crazyness. The campaign is way more energetic and varried that rdr2, but i still prefer rdr2, and i thinks its because while the story and the character in rdr2 are perfectly nailed, GTA V, just doesnt have a really compailing story or character. I guess this is also because the setting and graphism arent as good as rdr2, but thats because rdr2 took place in the western and release 5 year after GTA, so i cant blame gta

I really want to love the game, but i just really like it, and thats kind of sad

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2021
