This was my first proper playthrough of borderlands, over the years i'd wacked this on and tried to get into it both solo and with mates but could never stick with it

However, we recently moved house and had no internet, I had this installed and thought why not give it a go, never tried it on PC and i didn't put it down for hours, this was mostly the only game i played for a few days!

For an oldish cell shaded game it looks nice especially in certain area's but where the funs at is in the combat
You can pick up all kinds of weapons, Pistols, Smg's Shotguns ect and you get grenade mods for certain grenades and shields
Something i love is when you lose health and get knocked down, if you can kill an enemy before you bleed out you get a second wind and can get back to slaying midgets.

This game has been a tonne of fun plus you get the DLC too and the boss fights are fun too some i found a little challenging properly dying a few times but it was still very fun.

Definitely recommend playing this if you've not already and using the vehicles are a must! Plus you can fast travel!

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2022
