To the few out there who are somehow still requesting a remake of this game (as faithful as the other ones, I assume), I'd like them to remove their rose-tinted nostalgia glasses and answer me this:

Have you revisited the Adventure Mode lately?
Have you gone past through the first or second warp room at least?

Because I revisited this game multiple times in the past decade, and always dropped it to that point until now.

Not because it's too hard. There are the occasional difficulty spikes, but you can persevere towards the end in not much time. No, it's because it gets very tedious very quickly.

It's clear to me that the condition to win the minigame at least 3 times (up to 9 times if you're really struggling) to earn the trophy was done to pad up the game's length, given how light its content actually is, with too many variants of the same concepts.

It's not like there's no potential for great multiplayer fun, because I can clearly see it. But if you don't own the correct version with working cheat codes, so you can instantly unlock all the minigames and make the most out of those multiplayer sessions with the buddies, then I hope you have the patience of a monk, especially if you intend to fully complete Adventure Mode. Because I sure don't have it for this.

Soundtrack's kinda fire though.

Do yourself a favor and avoid the PS1 version! The save system in that one is ATROCIOUS!

Like the previous Tomb Raider on the same console, you can save at any time and at any place in the level, but they made saving a limited currency by bringing back the floating crystals which now serves as pickups stored in your inventory. So, if you spend all of them, you better hope you reach the end of the level soon or find another crystal hidden somewhere, and they can get really scarce.

Combine that with how much harder the game is by design, and that made for many scenarios where I had to repeat the same loop over and over and over and over and over again, until I succeed at the part I'm having trouble with, either because I got no crystals left or want to desperately hold to what little I have for in case I get f***ed again.

That made it for one of the most frustrating gaming experiences I ever had and I feel bad for saying that but I think it's that one aspect that ruined it for me.

Maybe when I'll revisit it through the PC version or that new remaster, I'll better appreciate the good side of Tomb Raider III, but that won't be for a while.