Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope, while it does start off slow, became one of my favorite Switch games. I'm normally not a fan of tactical RPGs, but this game is so incredibly fun. Setting up a unique team for each battle was more enjoyable for me than it had any right to be simply because I loved every party member. That and of course, unlike Kingdom Battle you can replace Mario on your team. I can see where the gameplay loop could become repetitive, but I found the game had so many improvements over the original that it didn't bother me. Like for example, the worlds are more like hub worlds ripe for exploration as they're filled with side quests and extra battles. There's about 100 side quests in total (if I recall correctly), so there's a ton to do in the game even after beating it. I could go into more detail, I enjoyed my time with the game way more than I was expecting. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the DLC now.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2022
