Sonic Dream Team is just about what I expected, but I'm still oddly disappointed. The game feels overly grindy, with the game requiring you to complete most of the stage missions before moving on, rather than them feeling like mostly optional missions that an allow you to complete the game faster if you wish, like other games with similar gameplay loops. Voice acting, as usual, sucks too. It's especially egregious in this game with each actor given awkward line reads and Rouge, Sonic, and Amy all continuing their thirteen year long trend of not sounding as they really should. The game was overly buggy and laggy on my iPhone 12, which seems incredibly bizarre, considering the phone isn't that old. The game softlocked on the first act of the final zone and I proceeded to uninstall the game. I plan to complete it later for a video, but, aside from that, I can never see myself playing this game ever again.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2023
