This is how you make dual protagonists work.

Both Kiryu and Majima's stories are paid equal attention, have incredible setup and emotional payoff, and fill a real big action movie-esque hole in my heart. An incredible introduction into a series I am growing to love.

Kamurocho and Sotenbori are both full of life and chock-full of things to do, you can quite literally never get bored. There's always something to keep your attention, even if it's just getting filthy rich.

One of the best soundtracks I've ever heard, period. 90% of the tracks are straight heat. Reign, Two Dragons, With Vengeance, Pledge of Demon. All I have to say.

This game goes on sale all the damn time. You can get it for like $5 and easily get over 70 hours of content out of it. Highway robbery. I wish I could give RGG Studios more money.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2024
