An absolute top-quality mission pack making use of everything Quake II and its mission packs had to offer - It's only elevated further by the incredible level design and variety throughout; you're thrown into a hub in the beginning featuring six choices of operations.

The highlight would have to be the Ruined Earth operation. Everything has a gritty, disgusting early 20th century aesthetic which somehow also evokes Quake 1 vibes.

The only real misstep would in my opinion be the sixth mission, the darkest depths; as pretty as the level is it really feels lacking compared to all the others. This mission pack also claims to "bridge the gap" between Quake 1 and II, however I didn't really get that feeling whatsoever, (Apart from a certain Quake 1 enemy appearing) not that it really matters.

Highly recommended!

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2023
