Well this was weird as hell. I had quite alot of initial shock starting this from how crispy, goofy, and honestly rather ugly this game's style was but it gives this game it's own charm; in a weird way I guess. The gameplay is a bit jarring at first as well, with the weird physics and all, but it doesn't take too long to get used to how it plays. After that it becomes some pretty standard platforming. It kinda reminds me of Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle in a way, with the whole item inventory, the stage entrances, and even how it looks and plays feels very oddly similar. Were the same developers behind this? Or were things recycled between the two? I dunno, it's just something super odd to think about. I will say that Decap Attack is definitely the better game in comparison, with how it's designed much more fairly than Alex Kidd (For example, you don't die in one goddamn hit here), so their similarities aren't much to worry about. I will say that the 5th world, Pumpington, is rather noticeably more unfair than the rest of the game. Like, seriously, what the fuck was up with that mole boss? I couldn't find any discernable pattern with it, so I just hoped I got lucky with moving under the rocks. Maybe that's close to what you're supposed to do but whatever, it's still frustrating. There's other annoyances as well like the enemies that take multiple hits, enemies that spawn when breaking an item stone so you have to be careful when opening them, and that one comedic relief mechanic where you slide over the edge of a platform and Chuck flails around before falling like he's in a cartoon got a bit intrusive the more it happened as I just wanted to go into a free fall already once I had it happen later in the game. (I also recall it got me hit one time I was trying to get away from an enemy so there's that too)

So yeah, like I said at the start, that was weird as hell. It's sheer zaniness is quite the spectacle, and it was honestly kinda hilarious. (Seriously, I can't really describe the whiplash I felt once I started playing)

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2021


10 months ago


10 months ago

accidentally left caps lock on for decap attack
say that 5 times fast