lmao, this shit is not even finished

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Deleted your comment under my review but like I said there, not cool to accuse someone of "being sponsered" for liking the game just because you personally didn't.

I just gave my honest thoughts about the game. Removing the issues in terms of glitches in terms of it's launch state, judging the game by how it plays and how I experienced it. I didn't experience the game with glitches so I didn't review it as if I had experience any of those issues. and I enjoyed my time with it.
If you really need to stop and comment under someones post " Were you sponsered?" as if to say my opinion is stupid or you don't agree just because you're not happy with the game based solely on:
1. Launch State
2. Graphics
3. Personal Distaste

Thats fine, but seriously not cool to accuse me of being sponsered when Im just giving a personal review.