Decided to finally give the series a try after the amazon series made it impossible to ignore.

Initially the game is straight up Bethesda junk, and while in the vault i was not so much hooked as i had hoped to be, but i kept playing till i reached the wastlands. I had no ideia of what or how to play, but for that same reason the game became more intriguing as i discovered how to heal properly and get rid of radiation and so on, thats when the game really clicks. The start-mid game is the best part and more challenging we have a good grasp of how the game works but not everything. Sadly the game can become a bit repetitive doin the same "subway" and underground areas can become tiring after 50+ hours. And as you explore eventually you get so overpowered that everything in your way just gets annihilated in secounds.

The story is just an excuse to send you over the map and explore, its not all that good. To the point i had to confirmed that i had finished the main story after completing it. Its pretty mediocre and when you think it will get interesting it just ends.

The post game seems to be pretty much 4 or 5 times the size of the main campain giving you plenty to explore after you end the main story. I still have plenty to see but cant say for sure if i will explore it all being that im burnt out in all the repetitive areas of the game.

The classic Bethesda flair is also here, that being the shitty ass bugs that for no reason just kept crashing the game, 3 radscorpions attack at the same time crash, too many explosions crash, alt tab the game crash [never alt tab the game...] Besides the anoying crashs and me getting stuck inside the floor once or twice the game runs as expected from a 2000's game.

Overall it is pretty enjoyable at its peaks, the major draw back i see in the game is the story not using enough of the map, and leaving most of it for the post game. Besides that, it was way better then what people on YouTube tell you.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
