1 Review liked by Xnian

Platinum trophy earned. Some really fantastic nostalgia here, as I loved the original release of Outcast all those years ago - and for the most part this is an excellent remake. Sadly, though, I hit upon a game-breaking bug late on in my playthrough and wasn't able to complete it, which somewhat soured the experience - but I very much enjoyed everything prior to that (plus, the trophy structure allowed me still to get the platinum with a speedrun-style approach through to get the one trophy that the bug locked me out of).

The combat in Outcast remains somewhat clunky, but the eminently dodge-able nature of the slow-moving projectiles used by most enemies makes encounters somewhat different from that which most comparable games offer. Where Outcast excels, though, is in the detailed world that it's created, with an impressive amount of detail packed in to many of the varied environments and some interesting quest design - all adding up to a compelling experience. Graphically the game holds up well and doesn't betray too much of its 90s roots and the soundtrack remains a notable highlight, just as impressive now as it ever was.