The video game equivalent of heroin. Coincidentally also the best game ever in terms of mechanics.

The people who play this game are either ghouls or on the unfortunate journey to becoming one. That's not true, actually. There's plenty of cool people that play DotA, the game just tends to bring out the worst out of people at times. You might've heard it before, it has very high highs and very low lows. It takes a shit ton of time to start feeling like you actually understand what's going on in the game, and even then there's just always something more you can do to become better. Most matches are stressful, since you have to navigate a world of uncountable variables and try to find the best way to win while also fitting in with the 4 other people on your team who are doing the same thing. That's why DotA is best when played with friends, because then you can all be on the same page. And when it all works out, it feels really good, like you've cracked a code, made a team effort and surpassed your past self. Personally, that's what's kept me playing for 9 years. This game is really good, but unless you've got unlimited free time and mental fortitude, I don't recommend starting now.

Reviewed on May 26, 2023
