This is an obscure shmup developed by Jaleco, it has some good-looking stages, but the pre-rendered sprites look out of place, there are some decent tracks, as for the gameplay, well... this game does not bring anything new to the table, there are three shots that you can change between them by collecting their corresponding items, one of them (the straight shot) is useless, and the other two are variations of the spread shot, so yeah, that's a balance issue right there, also, there is an air-to-ground shot, that you have to use simultaneously with your main shot most of the time, the hit box here is big, and the fact that you will have to dodge big and extremely fast bullets doesn't help, and if you lose all of your lives, then you will have to start from the beginning of the stage, but if you lose while fighting a boss, then you will be respawned at the beginning of that boss fight, but later on the checkpoints become more annoying where you have to replay the stage every time you get a continue, even if you get it after losing to a boss, this, combined with the unfair hit box and the bullets speed made me give up on this game, Idk, I have reached to a point that I no longer can endure the cheap difficulty of some shmups like before.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2023
