4 reviews liked by Y_Yag0



Omori, utilizing all of its charismatic world and characters, having lots of fun interactions, while at the same time making a good contrast to the deeper, heavier, and more melancholic themes, becomes a visceral and cute experience ready to cut the heart, scare, challenge, and reflect. Ultilizing of the advantage of a beautiful and creative art direction that has its meaning, assertive palette of colors, great soundtrack with more than 170 ost thought for each part of the game, builds and elaborates its questions and mysteries with surprising conclusions that culminate in the development and deepening of his protagonist, the game talks to the player, putting inside the character and making you feel what is a post traumatic disorder etc ..., becoming a unique experience.
Its only flaw would be that the screenplay presents a notable lack of connectivity, many of the mysteries and elements inserted don't present, or have very little connection with the main plot, making them things that, despite having a good idea, are avulsive.

Objectively: 4.5/5
Subjectively: 5/5

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

If someone is trying to argue that video games are an artform, they'd probably use Journey as an example. I would say it's just as much an experience as it is a game. Very short, so maybe wait for a sale.

Beautiful artstyle. Pretty much any screenshot could be used as a wallpaper. The gameplay is simple, but varied enough to keep things interesting and engaging. Maybe not for everyone, but it's definitely worth playing if you have a couple hours to kill and want to experience something totally different and unique.

Really, really benefits from the multiplayer aspect. Just make sure you play it while connected to the internet and you'll find other players. These interactions are what makes the game so special IMO.

Buggy but fun. Mods are great and make up for the main game's shortcomings. The combat is pretty mediocre but the leveling mechanics are so fun to abuse and the world is nice to explore. I have very mixed feelings on the writing. Some of the story moments are legitimately great and memorable while others just drag on. Really just a fun time sink with some notable shortcomings.



It's physically impossible to describe the true splendor of this game without me spoiling, but just know it's really good.