Shadow of the Colossus was a fascinating experience for me because I didn't play the original version on the PS2 back then, however, it was more complicated than I expected.
After hearing how unique and special this game is for years now, I finally decided to play it.
The story in Shadow of the Colossus is slightly ambiguous, but the vast, empty environments and the melancholic atmosphere make up for the story's ambiguity. Overall, it's a surprisingly decent story even if it's absent for the most part.
Unlike the story though, the gameplay is very basic, even though it's oddly enjoyable and satisfying.
The Colossi are absolutely spectacular; they're undoubtedly the highlight of the game, alongside the immense scale of the game and its gorgeous environments.
Also, the music is really good and the audio design is fantastic.
However, even though the gameplay is interesting, the repetitious nature of the gameplay loop gets slightly boring after a while, and the controls, camera and handling are so clumsy and bad in some instances, they make the game almost unplayable at times, ruining the entire experience, and that's very unfortunate.

+ Serviceable narrative
+ Exciting albeit basic gameplay
+ Immense scale
+ Stunning visuals
+ Great music

- Tiring gameplay loop
- Very awkward controls, camera & handling

Narrative: 6/10
Gameplay: 4/10
Music: 8/10
Graphics/Audio: 9/10

Final Rating: 6/10
- Decent -
Shadow of the Colossus looks like a PS4 game, however, it still plays like a PS2 game, unfortunately.
Regardless, it's a very unique and special experience even to this day... I just expected something more from a high quality modern Remake.

Do I recommend it?:
If you're looking for a fun videogame experience, I probably wouldn't recommend it, but if you're looking for a unique videogame experience, I'd say yes.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
