Rated 3/10

5, 4, 3 – The less I appreciate something and value my experience with it, the lower the score. I weigh what I consider to be the negative aspects of my particular experience against the positive ones.

One of those weird childhood experiences. This game has some value in terms of gameplay, but otherwise I think it’s very silly, uninteresting and uninspiring (cartoon was similarly problematic).
This sequel was extremely boring, and I never finished it. Maybe I'd have liked it more if I actually completed it, but I'm in no rush to find out.
A truly horrible game and the only reason it’s not 2 is because it didn’t leave any strong or long-lasting negative impressions + I haven’t played it enough times to actually hate it that much, even though it deserves it.

The original Myth game looks pretty cool, though, but I have no interest in playing it.
I absolutely hate this game because of Kaito and disappointing, uninspiring narrative choices. No positives could salvage this experience for me! That said, the reason I'm not giving it 2/10 is because of the characters like Kokichi and some other aspects that I enjoyed, despite being almost constantly annoyed. They basically save this game from being officially counted as a hated experience. In any case, even though I liked some of the characters, scenes and the post-game mode, I just can't bring myself to rate this one any higher.
As much as I love the original Adventure anime, my first introduction to the Digimon games was pretty unsuccessful. This game was boring, grindy and uninteresting. I didn't enjoy it at all, at least after the limited time I spent with it, and I don't really plan on revisiting it.
I honestly can't comprehend how anyone could find this funny or entertaining. It was so idiotic and boring that I barely got through it. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood, but I highly doubt it.
Torn between 3/10 and 2/10, because this DLC was extremely annoying, and I think it definitely belongs among my hated experiences, but my desire to replay it first stops me from being too radical for the time being.
Old or not old, this is just not that fun to play and gets boring really quickly.
I thought it was horrible! Confusing as hell and barely playable. Definitely one of the worst games on the Famicom/NES that I’ve ever played.
Boring and uninteresting game. I see virtually no redeeming qualities, at least as far as my experience goes.
I despise this DLC! Retarded story and “humor”, and all-around annoying, not to mention extremely overbearing. I understand that the ending part with all the characters hanging out can be found heartwarming and some of those interactions are quite interesting and probably the only reason I’m not giving it 2/10, but the stupid and absolutely not funny clone nonsense, and other aspects of this DLC, just made me hate it with passion that overshadows any positive parts! On top of that, it even managed to ruin Mass Effect comics by turning the whole clone business into a comedy.
In any case, I came to somewhat dislike ME by the time I was done with ME3 and especially this DLC, and the whole series kind of "lost my heart", so to speak. Whether it'll re-gain my appreciation somehow one day remains to be seen.
I understand that this is an educational game for children, but it just feels so stupid! Someone bought it for me as a present when I was a kid, and it was one of the most disappointing presents ever lol not interesting to play at all.
The 2nd game ramped up the annoyance to unbearable levels. This, combined with the relatively uninteresting cases, disappointing resolution of the final case and the introduction of both of my most hated characters in the series, Franziska von Karma and Shelly de Killer, makes this game my least favorite, and I feel disgusted just by recalling my experience with it! Well, at least it had one of my top-7 favorite Ace Attorney characters, Matt Engarde, but he alone can only save this trainwreck from getting a 2/10 that it otherwise definitely deserves.
I clearly remember finding it both quite boring and annoying, therefore I’m going to give it an appropriately low score, different from the main game.
I completed it on Android, just like the main game, but since it doesn't count as DLC on Android, I guess the only way to rate it separately is through this 3DS entry. So annoying! I wish there was a website for games similar to MAL.
Ugh, so preachy! A pretty shallow game that blatantly shoves a certain narrative down your throat. An instant dislike from me (not that it has anything truly worth liking anyway).
I'm glad that I decided to properly replay this one because it made me realize how much I truly hate this expansion, so my previous 5/10 score for it was far too forgiving. While a lot of the zones became somewhat smaller, it somehow was even more boring and frustrating to explore them compared to the main game (and I had an easier time doing everything with my Vampiress compared to Dark Elf, yet this replay still felt mega frustrating!). On top of that, the main quest decided to bug out just before the final confrontation, so I couldn't even finish the game properly on my 2nd playthrough lol it was truly the last straw of this annoying experience, and I had to hold myself back from giving it 2/10. Aside from the nice-looking new zones and "pleasantly disgusting" demons, I liked absolutely nothing in this one and getting through it was a far worse version of the never-ending frustration I had with the original game.
I remember not enjoying this one at all, especially compared to the previous games, and I don't plan on ever finishing it.
SC2 got progressively worse with its campaigns, and this expansion is the epitome of boredom, talentless approach, horrible voice acting and much more. So annoying! And since I’ve never played it for its gameplay aspect, I can’t factor it in and justify a higher score.
Maybe I'm just bad at this game, but the amount of frustration I've experienced while playing it was indeed great. I never finished it, and I don't plan to.
I've tried this game more than once, and I just barely enjoyed it. Not interesting.
I’ve never managed to get into this one and couldn’t find it enjoyable. It does seem to have an interesting concept, but I just can't be bothered to put any more effort into it.
I didn’t really enjoy this one. I felt like it was a very boring, pointless and weak fighting game.
This game was extremely boring, not funny and pretty annoying at times (dialogues, events etc.). I never finished it, and I don’t plan to.
I don't see the appeal. It gets annoying and boring really quick.


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