Though it was originally released as a standalone expansion to The New Order, I find that The Old Blood fits just as well as a prelude chapter to the MachineGames reboot of the Wolfenstein series; it establishes the conventions and is divorced just enough from TNO's gameplay for that game to feel unique as a follow-up. It also serves as a magnificent tonepiece of the larger MachineGames Wolfenstein universe, paying dividends to the series's past while giving a glimpse at the more narrative-focused, character-driven direction they take things.

The Polish-American Nazi-killing protagonist, B.J. Blazkowicz, is a truly wonderful character and though that doesn't necessarily come through in this installment, you still get glimpses of his depth and breadcrumbs that he's far more than just a generic shoot-killer dude with limited discernible personality. This is largely helped by the vocal talents of the great Brian Bloom, whose voice gives gravitas and weight to B.J.'s monologues and one-liners that, even in this short adventure, make him a truly compelling and fun lead.

The gunplay is a lot of fun too, with the right amount of weight in the movement and tight shooting controls that help sell Blazkowicz's prowess in fighting hordes of Nazi's with relative ease. The light stealth segments can be fun too, although with limited options in your arsenal and little-to-no mechanics designed to encourage it, it's more of a way to even the odds than a secondary option of moving through the level.

Besides that, though, the muted story in comparison to The New Order, as well as some lackluster boss fights, mean this doesn't quite match up to the base game, although thanks to its short length and brisk pacing, it doesn't overstay its welcome.

You can certainly play The Old Blood after The New Order, but as I've said, it probably makes more sense to treat it like a 'Ground Zeroes' to the base game's 'The Phantom Pain'. A nice little introduction to the gameplay and world before the larger main course.


Reviewed on Jan 24, 2024
