Left 4 dead without the soul, doesn't understand the design of L4D and what makes it so unique and perfect like the special infected that change depending on your pacing of the game and makes it interesting thanks to the sound queue of each one, with every design so memorable and telling you the backstory of the SI without saying a word

And that's just on one thing, I can't remember one campaign from this game or what makes it unique, contrary to L4D where I can remember every campaign with their own taste and feel like Dark Carnival, Death Toll, The Parish, here we only have city city mountain? city city, same blue grayish feel

Just play L4D2 for real, that game is perfect, this is a lot of peepee poopoo

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2021

1 Comment

8 months ago

"this is a lot of peepee poopoo"
