The fact you can't carry more than one gun at a time basically breaks the game. At best, it slows the pace down to an absolute crawl as you have to constantly backtrack from chest to chest whenever you run low on ammo or decide that a different weapon would better suit the situation.

The fact you can't freely aim grenades is also quite baffling and I found myself lamenting it whenever confronting an enemy turret. For some reason I was convinced that there was a way and I simply forgot how. (Mandela effect?!? lol) But nope, your targeting will always snap on to the turret itself when you'd obviously want to the grenade to land directly behind the turret, not in front of it. I suppose that would make things too easy, however. I suppose the devs wanted to inject some challenge to these encounters, and the challenge comes from wrestling with the unintuitive aiming controls.

Reviewed on Jun 12, 2021
