Best 3D platformer ever, and a fully functional proof that classic Sonic gameplay could've worked in 3D this entire time provided a developer out there other than GarageGames actually cared enough to bother making one. The game is visually stunning as well and feels iconic, and has amazing music. Some stages have you collect gems, others are simply a platforming exercise to reach the goal. (of course plenty of usual marble fare of having to precisely navigate across very narrow platforms over the bottomless abyss.) There are powerups like a speed boost and a super jump that would make Jumping Flash sweat.

Monkey Ball plus the ability to jump... Somehow the game manages to be even better than that sounds. Full manual camera control with the righthand analog stick and jumping is done with the the shoulder button. Now that is woke as hell. I want to play all 3D platformers this way now and that has ruined my life.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2021
