Ys.. now in 3D!! Try frantically to track your foe while staring at super meters at the bottom of the screen and navigating your spastic hoverblading cursor-person out of harm's way.

Unnaturally high def ground textures also make a return- experience grass fields that will cut your eyes just by looking at it!

An intricate and original storyline that begins with Adol accidentally walking in on a woman bathing in a stream, who flinches and drops her towel! (Wait, where did she even find a towel.. oh who the hell cares.)

Can Adol solve the mysteries of the island and defeat most powerful adversary- the camera- yet?

Will ZEELLO ever get his forty dollars back?

Find out in Wise Eight!

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2021


2 years ago

btw if u use the other stick on your controller you can rotate the camera hope this helped

2 years ago

Oh yeah? Then how am I supposed to attack?

2 years ago

lmao what a scrub, filtered

2 years ago

Whoa. Someone actually filtered me over Ys, the gas station hot dog of ARPGs.

2 years ago

what is filtering

2 years ago

I don't know either. But I sense that there is dramatic significance.