The worst game I've ever played.
Everything about this game is absolutely terrible without anything to redeem it.
First of all the obvious issue is how difficult this game is for seemingly being made for children, and that's where most of the issues stem from in the first place.
It's not a complex game but an extremely poorly made one which gives it the worst kind of difficulty you can imagine:
Poor visibility camera, Not knowing where the frogs are and having no clues as to where they could be (which is amplified by the camera giving you close to zero insight as to how the map actually looks), The slippery controls and the extremely awkward momentum that comes with it, The shitty hitboxes, The limited lives making you go back to get the frogs you've already collected over and over and over and over again just because you messed up at a later frog.
It's mostly not mechanically difficult which is understandable as there's not much options you have for movement in the first place, its difficulty lies in finding targets without any helpers and memorizing the output and being patient at the hazards that come out; everything's based on a cycle and pattern but there's an issue with that
The cycles don't reset when you die or collect a frog
This makes it so you won't actually be able to memorize the timings to go through a line of hazards each time as the time in which you die or collect a frog will likely be different each time, making the pattern when you come back different. Not to mention late game patterns being almost impossible to recognize due to the insane number of hazards
These all might sound like minor issues but they all add up to create an unforgiving mess of a game
And the worst part of all of this is that there's nothing to be gained out of this!
There's no part of the game that's fun to play, there's no story (Not that I expected there to be)
It's all just misery with no positives to it.
It's truly impossible for me to explain how bad this game is without you first playing it, but I heavily recommend against you doing that.