"No cost too great."

Hollow Knight is a complete masterpiece. I've played a lot of indie and adventure games lately and there aren't many like this. The game is so thoroughly refined and fan-friendly. Who would have thought that a crowdsourced game could not only meet, but exceed expectations? This team polished it until it gleamed and then released FREE DLC, three times.

And it was made by three guys in Australia by crowdsourcing $57,000. And I paid $7.50 for it. Twice. But, "no cost too great", lemme tell ya. These AAA titles that get churned out every year, with hundreds of staff working ungodly crunch hours, can't manage to create a "GOOD" game, let alone put out a veritable classic.

Only a handful of titles can compare their worldbuilding, versatility of traversal, heartwarming charm, hair-raising anxiety, and clever environmental storytelling. I could sing praises for nearly every aspect of this game up and down, but just play it. It is a challenge, don't let the facade fool you. The first playthrough a couple of years ago was an utter smackdown, but gitting gud has eased it up a bit, personally. Out of all the similar titles I love with twisting, turning labyrinths and backtracking and mysterious ways forward, I mind getting lost in this one the least of all. There is ALWAYS something fascinating and fear-inducing just down the path.

Thank you Team Cherry. I can't wait for Silksong.

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2022
