If you're anything like me, you lament the lost relics of childhood; both the material and immaterial. Some things can never be recovered. Or, if they can, they often disappoint upon revisiting. I considered the co-op beat-'em-up to be one of those experiences. Just another memory sealed away in a capsule. So, when I got the call from my buddy, "Well I was thinking we smoke and run through the new TMNT game?", I felt that inner rumbling of something exciting. That brimming, bubbling long-dormant nostalgia eager to soak my brain in endorphins. Also weed. My buddy had the whole spread ready. The chips and candy and pizza and wings and bud; the game room was blasting the new Kendrick and lit up by a nebula-projector.... Aaaannddd thats about all I remember up until the final boss fight, which is basically a four-boss run. We were down to our last Continue in Arcade mode. 1-2-3 bosses down, health in the red, we think we're done. BOOM. Super Shredder. Dead. Game Over. Heartbreaking. We sat with our defeat a day or two, wringing our hands, but it couldn't stand. Today was Attempt #2. Clear-headed and determined, I actually got to experience the game. It didn't let me down at all. Seeing characters I hadn't thought about in 25 years was a wild ride. The gameplay was near-perfect. We ran through level after level of glorious memories and music, racking up big combos, viciously spamming the special move (on my part, lol) and delighting in every health recovery with the loud "Pizza Time!". Whoever this developer is knew exactly what things to recreate and what mechanics to improve upon. What a sheer blast. We barrelled through the enemies all the way to Super Shredder and put him down once and for all. Joy and revelry. And not TWO MINUTES after our victory, the power goes out. Solidifying in my mind that some things happen in their own time, just the way they're meant too. I know this review is a little atypical, but the context is what made it so cool. Even more so than the game. The only additions I wish I had were a counter/parry button and our other friend playing on the 3P slot. But, like I said, some things that were once here yesterday are gone today. All in all, find a bro, sink into the couch, and tear into this one time for me. The game is fun, but it's a friend that makes the experience.

Also, Wu-Tang

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2022
