I slept on Guacamelee for so long! I thought the art style was really lame, like Samurai Jack or something, but I'm pleased as punch to admit my mistake. Five minutes in and I didn't even think about it anymore. Whoever thought to make a Metroidvania beat-em-up is a freakin' genius. It's way more linear than a normal MV, which makes it much more accessible to those who don't play them. The combat is some of the purest fun I've had in a while and the platforming reminds me of Metroid at it's finest. Parts of the platforming can be very challenging, but also very forgiving. They don't make you replay entire sections and respawn time is instantaneous. I wouldn't say this has the most original gameplay elements out there, but I can undoubtedly say it's one of the most fun, successful amalgamations on the market. Next time you see it on sale, don't skip it! I paid maybe $3-$4 and I loved it from start to finish. Already bought the sequel and I can't wait to try it. 😁

Also, this game is rife with references to other titles. I got so much enjoyment out of finding them and picking them out. The sheer amount of Metroid love this game displays makes my heart swell 10x its size.

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2022
