I have no clue how many times I've been through this game, but I absolutely adore it. It's not the best Resident Evil title, but it's up there.

I'll always be biased towards the old-RE style. The fixed camera angles (actually more dynamic here), the tank controls, the slow and methodical puzzle-solving, and ammo conservation are all highlights for me, but I honestly understand why others don't like it.

I love the recurring franchise heroes, Claire and Chris, and the absolutely bizarre, outlandish, and hilarious villains, Alfred and Alexia.

The prison area is way more memorable than Antarctica or the research facility, but it never really stops being fun. The music is fantastic, forget about it. One of the best save room themes, the haunting musicbox melody, the shrieking strings when a bandersnatch (lol 😆) shows up.

If you don't know how to handle them, a couple of the bossfights can be ridiculously frustrating. Especially the Tyrant. For newcomers, that's gonna be a big wall.

If you're a fan of old school Resident Evil and somehow missed this one, jump on it nowwww. If you're looking for an experience more like 4 or Village, you're gonna be disappointed.

Capcom, remake this. Please?

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2023
