This is not the first time I play this game. Four years ago I played around 20 hours on the old PSP translation (yeah, the buggy one) over the span of 4 months and I finally gave up on it due to my enjoyment of videogames being superseded by my personal life, and specially RPGs because you gotta commit to them a lot.

That being said, I never forgot the journey. Since then, I have been wondering why didn't I went back and finished it. After some time, Geofront's translation was released and I thought "hey, maybe it is time to try again from the beggining" but I had a lot of things to play and I didn't like the chance of putting it on hold again at the same point. So, years passed and the game was finally released with an official translation, which around that time I got my first "true" job that gave me the money to actually buy the game.

Even though 4 years have passed, It impressed me up to the point that I remembered most of the story up to chapter 3, which is where I left. Now, I finally finished it and sincerely, I'm kind of embarrassed for not playing Sky first. I don't know, I tried it 3 times but that game made me sleepy for the first hour, and I really wanted to play Zero, so that's where I'm at. Don't worry, I will do it at some point.

Trails from Zero is my starting point in the series, so I hope they all get to the same level of greatness. If anyone is doubting on whether you should try to tackle these games, I have an answer for you:
First, any starting point is okay as long as you have in mind that some spoilers will be present AND you start at the beggining of the story arc.
Second, don't take people seriously about telling you that "oh the first one is really like the prologue of them all!!" because I've been there and it gave me a lot of slack, trust me, it is not a prologue at all, in fact I'd say this game is good as its own story.
Third, don't look at any of the games by their length. I know they are intimidating (specially the new ones) but I promise you they do a great job at keeping you interested throughout the story.

Reviewed on Jul 30, 2023
