A nice little bow tie to this SNES trilogy

DKC 3 is another wonderful journey through the world of Donkey Kong Country, it still has the same amazing atmosphere and look for the previous two, controls are still as good as ever, the soundtrack is a bop as usual, everything DKC is still here.
However, there are a few things holding this game back, I like a good majority of the levels but there are some that are just straight up bad, Kiddy Kong may move slow, and he can’t jump high, but unlike Chunky Kong he’s not even a hell of a guy, basically what I’m saying is Kiddy sucks to play as compared to Dixie, often I would just restart levels if Dixie got hit, Kiddy is just not satisfying to play as.
Also something I somehow forgot to mention in my DKC 2 review were the bosses, holy hell they were fantastic in that game, but in here they’re just ok, they’re all original so that makes it better than DKC 1’s repeating bosses but kind of a letdown compared to 2.

Hey despite its shortcomings I still really enjoyed my time with the game, it’s terrific, and a nice way to cap off this trilogy, and the SNES itself.
Now onto Donkey Kong Country Returns, played this one when I was younger so I can imagine there will be a bit of a nostalgia bias in my next review.
Sadly I can’t play DK64, I have no way to access it, but considering that I’m a collectithon completionist and I’ve heard that game is just a nightmare to fully complete, yeah maybe it’s a blessing in disguise (if it does come to switch online I’ll most likely play it)

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2023
